Tuesday, 5 April 2011

How Global Population Growth is Creating Serious Environmental Problems.

Link to the article: http://environment.about.com/od/biodiversityconservation/a/population_grow.htm

I agree with the article that our worlds rapidly increasing populationis causing a huge impacts on our enviorment, and that if nothing is done to stop this, it will continue to get worse. The damage we are doing is metioned in the article "population growth since 1950 is behind the clearing of 80 percent of rainforest, the loss of tens of thousands of plant and wildlife species, an increase in greenhouse gas emisioss of some 400 percent and the development or commercialization of as much as half of the Earth’s surface land." It is also feared that we may not be able to meet water consumption leveles. After reading the statistic that Americans account for 4% of the populatin yet consume 25% of the resources, I agree that American and all developed nations need to start cutting back. I feel up until recently many people have thought that the world has a phantom carrying capacity and unlimited resources. We have been warmed about the consequences of using up all the resources, but it all seemed to far in the furture to worry about it. Now with the fear of water scarcities, and running out of oil, people are starting to get concerned. Ronald Marks in the article asks "What is the difference in impact between population growth in Third World countries, which are poor, against that in the U.S., where we consume and waste so much more" It is true that developed nations place a lot of blame on LDN for their mass population, while developed nations are probably causing equal damage. Though I feel their is still time to undo some of the damage we have caused. I think it is going to be alot harder to get developed nations to cut back, I dont think its impossible but its going to take a very long time. Instead I think it would be easier to get developed nations to use some of their wealth towards helping LDN.  In countries like India, with the help of contraceptive they were able to drastically decrease their birth rate. Many LDN are stuck and without our help won't be able to further develope. Overall I believe the world needs to work together, and we all need to make sacrafices if we want to undo or atleast slow our impact on the world.

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